Thursday 4 December 2014

Smile and the World Smile with You

Smiling is not always the Best Medicine rather sometimes it is the Best Disguise to hide the pain within.....

And it is so true that the Most Beautiful Smile is the one That Struggles Through Tears........
Therefore Smile through the hard times, even though it doesn’t seem to get better, but for sure smile is the first step to fixing things..... The strength is when you have so much to cry for, but you choose to Smile instead......

I lived the best example yesterday and it follows like this

Sir (S):    Your Mobile cover is full of diamonds and is shining beautifully. So this shows, you can afford diamonds even for your Mobile.......

Me (T):     Oh Sir! Thank you for the compliment, although it only for my Mobile. I just thought that since I can’t afford to wear so many diamonds myself, so I just thought that let my Mobile only enjoys a bit of glam world.
S:      Of course! But it really looks nice. And what made you  think  of  making your Mobile to wear such a diamond flashy cover?

T:      I am glad you asked! And I am surprised that you did not notice the broken body of my mobile, which can go off anytime if not protected by the cover. So you only noticed the flashy thing behind the original existing dull......
Hence it is so true that No one notices your Tears, No one notices your Pain, and No one notices your Sadness.... The entire World around will only notices the curve you show in the form of your Smile.......

But at the same time we should all try to create and live a happy life....  And that is possible only when you Tie It To A Goal instead of people and things.  And all you need is to create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into the flames of achievements. I have come to realize that just making yourself happy is most important. Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want and to do what you want. All you need is to ask yourself, before you do something is just one question and that is: Does it make you money or does it make you happy or will you have both? Stay Happy, Stay Calm and Tell the Sorrows and Problems to Wait!
We have all the right to Create A Life that feels Good On The Inside and not just one that looks good just on the outside..... And as it goes, Keep Smiling & one day life will get tiered of upsetting you! 

There is an added advantage attached with a smile too that it can be replaced for any emotion and words. If you cannot find the right words for certain situation just give a smile. Words have the potential to confuse, but a Smile only convinces...... So show the world and life, “A Smiling You”

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