Monday 10 April 2017

Real Love

Real love…hmm—what the hell is it? I know I’m not the only one asking, because “love” is the most googled word there is. I love the quote:“Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.” Maybe love is anything that gets below the surface and shatters your armor.

Some says that romantic relationships are a training ground for true love. I remember this famous line from the movie “Love Story”, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Love means always having to say you’re sorry, and also always having to say, ‘I forgive you.’”

People talk about divine love, self-love, mother-child love, husband-wife love; maybe there’s one big love and we’re all trying to put it in a neat little box with a label. Maybe to have an overwhelming feeling of love we need to get out of the way—we need to relax and receive the beauty of this moment. Maybe love is the music that I’m listening here on my desktop that, for a moment, leaves me in awe and suspends my normal tick-tock of thoughts.

Can I say, getting hold of the vehicle to cross the ocean of life is love? If yes then OM is the vehicle. Knowing your breaths is a vehicle. And the only way you can do it is by relaxation. Relaxation is key—not lethargy, not spending all of our energy on something that doesn’t uncover our vital essence. I believe that “closing our eyes and just observing our breaths” can bring us to a state where we might catch a glimpse of an all-inclusive feeling of vastness, where maybe love makes us lay on our mats with tears streaming down our faces. Doing this is never the uniform process across all humans. It’s never about getting it right or wrong, rather it’s all about whether you do it or not. Is there patience, is there curiosity, is there a balance between yin and yang? These are questions we should be asking ourselves while we’re trying to hack the flow state. 

And later when we open our eyes in new ways and when we look at something we’ve been looking at for years, we subtly get to see and hopefully feel, something entirely different. It would definitely bring out the ways which brings happiness to us, when we are happy just for ourselves. It teaches us to remain calm and composed during challenges and especially that moment when we’re about to react. It is a practice of softening the ego and reaching for our highest self.

I believe consciousness is a choice, either we want it, or we don’t. If you haven’t done this till today, start fresh. And start the fresh chapter of life by asking yourself, “What you want to do when you start fresh?” And when I am asking you to ask this question to yourself, you may want to ask me “How do you move ahead when you do not know what would be your next step?” My sincere suggestion is get moving and get going. Follow the flow of life. Everything Connects (believe me, it does). Trust Fully and Surrender Completely. And you will be perfectly OK.

And whenever you are gone away, keep coming back to trust, keep coming back to the process of knowing your breaths, keep coming back to the silent moments when you interact with your own soul; JUST KEEP COMING BACK. Because success is the only outcome of this process.

If we don’t get to know ourselves in this way, how can we tap into that love? And if we don’t tap into that love, how can we share it?
I realize that this is a lot of questions and nothing affirmed. But that’s love, right? Maybe? I don’t know.


From my heart to yours,



  1. Replies
    1. And a grateful attitude towards the creator of life and towards you too. Thanks!
