Tuesday 9 December 2014

Traedmill.... Strong Will.... Or "TIME THE HILL"......

Is Too Busy to Work Out is the most common excuse for not exercising?
Not only Surveys says: “No time” but I also quote the same reason for not keeping a regular routine of exercising. And at the same time I am surprised to read it today that researchers have a different perspective towards it. According to them it is not the shortage of time but they quote "Typically, it's lack of motivation, lack of enjoyment, negative associations, fear or may be self esteem".
Busy as we may be, we have less trouble finding time for television, social networking or even dull household tasks, studies observe observes, because there simply aren’t the same steep psychological barriers to those activities. The truth is finding moments to move is entirely within your grasp.

“Most people are in denial about their health,” says fitness-industry icon Richard Simmons. “We all have reasons for not exercising, but it all comes down to time management and fear. Fear you’ll get hurt. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of failure.” But what we’d be better off being afraid of, he says, is what will happen if we don’t exercise. How will a sedentary lifestyle be affecting you next year? In five or 10 years? “Will you have time for multiple doctors’ appointments?” he asks. “Will you have the time and money to take medication every day to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes?” Just as important, what do you stand to gain by finally taking your health off the back burner?
Today, after extensive reading and web search, I could pen down these expert advices which can help me in figuring out the ways to take out some time for exercising.

1.  Make a Plan: The best way to make time for exercise is to have a written plan.

2.  Subdivide your to-do list: Take out a sheet of paper and create three boxes that represent the most important parts of your life i.e. family, work, yourself.

3.  Find five minutes: It’s OK to start very, very small. A five-minute walk can easily turn into daily 30-minute walk.

4.  Limit screen time: Don’t aimlessly surf Internet. That’s a surefire way to waste time you could be spending in more active ways.

5.  Think positive: “I am too busy to work out,” rephrase the thought in more positive, empowering terms, such as, “I choose to make myself a priority.” Or, “I do have time to be healthy.” Or, “I am willing to do something active today.”

6.  Socialize on the move: Instead of meeting friends over lunches, dinner or tea; meet them for a quick walk.

7.  Rise and shine: Exercising first thing in the morning will ensure you fit it in.

8.  Phone it in: Grab your cell phone (and, ideally, a headset) and get walking.

I will try to work on these tips and will see if they actually work for me or a new set of research is needed for my time management.
Atleast now I have a topic for my next blog which will hopefully be on the aftereffects of today’s research. I will be finding an answer to a question “Whether I could fit in exercise in my routine” in my next blog soon.



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