Tuesday 23 December 2014

Prioritize the Change

This blog is to post my experience about priority change.

The last weekend, when I were travelling in train which I boarded around 10 at night, I were really tired after office and wanted to sleep as early as possible. I settled fast on my birth as I wanted to sleep and relax at the earliest.

The so called Ticket checker came around mid night to check, if we are travelling with the tickets and correct IDs or not. I just fail to understand, what he would have done with those without ticket? I did not notice the train to stop anywhere in the middle of the way to make the without ticket travelers to de-board the train. Is it not a clear indication of generation of black money? Anyways, let us not get into the economic side of it. Let us just focus on the priority side of it.

I tried to sleep and guess what…..the snoring at the highest pitch and coming from 2 births was enough for not allowing me to sleep.  People, who looked the most civilized while sitting, are the most nonsense when they sleep. Idiots of highest order do not understand that they are in a public transport and they should keep in account the comfort of all who are travelling with them.
So finally I were awake and the noise makers were sleeping with their horses sold. And that is when I wanted my watch to run super-fast no matter it was a chilled winter night, on which usually I want my watch to run slowly and steadily……

That is exactly when I realized, how with time, conditions and situations, priorities changes. People remain the same and it is only their wants, desires, tastes and preferences changes with the time and situations around them.

At the end, important is to prioritize the right thing at right time in right spirit.

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