Friday 17 October 2014

Marriage is Beautiful

They just say that there are no prescribed rules to be in a perfect marriage. There are no do and don’t for a marriage. All we have is a successful marriage that is created. In marriage, the little things are the big things. It’s never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say I LOVE YOU at the end of each day. It is never going to bed angry. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other a safe place to grow. It is not only marrying the right person, rather it means being a right partner. You just have to fight for your marriage with love, forgiveness and happiness. It is to remember that marriage is beautiful in sickness and in health. A beautiful marriage requires falling in love many a times, always with the same person.
And here I proudly declare that I am into a PERFECT MARRIAGE. He has the best heart a man could possibly have. He is always treating me like a QUEEN. He is the best thing that has happened to me. He is my sun and moon.

It is two years now since when we treasure the diversity of our relationship because we have had to fight for it. Love wasn't always easy but it has been beautiful every minute. We are very different! He needs to be pushed and I am a go-getter. I am emotional and he is practical. He is forgetful, and I remember the smallest of things. I am a control freak and he is a laidback. May be we are opposite but both of us cannot imagine a single day without each other.

There have been so many rough patches along the way, all unexpected and very hard to smooth. We have gone through so many trial and problems but together we have conquered them all and will still conquer more. I am glad and proud to say that I wouldn’t want it any other way, but to go through it all with him.

Many a times our differences have pushed us away from each other but destiny has the way for keeping us together. This happens just because at the end of every bad day we always realize that no one would understand our faults better than we each other, and then again we fall for each other. Following all we never forget to start our mornings with love and care and sleep only after thanking lord for blessing us with each other.
We have been into a "PERFECT MARRIAGE" just because we two imperfect people refused to give up on each other. I just want to say that a lot has been possible because of the unshakeable pillar of support that my man " Rishi " has been.

God is good to us and marriage cannot be any more beautiful than it already is. I love him more today than the day we got married. All glory and honour is to God.




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