Tuesday 16 December 2014

LOVE? L-listening O-overcoming V-valuing E-everything

Whenever I visit a store with Rishi to buy anything, either for me or for him or for that matter for anyone, he just takes few seconds to choose. Whereas, I always, being a choosy one, takes longer than normal to pick up something. Today, again while sipping my cup of tea, I were thinking that can love be defined by taking into account the time other person takes out for you? Whether it is for choosing something for you, taking out time to talk to you, or missing his/her commitments and plans just for you and to be with you, does all these things matters or count when you have to measure the love coming from the other side?
Short on time due to a busy schedule we are into and an image of a man in a hurry to "love" reminded me that true love is really so much more.
And while no one can ever totally describe love maybe we can look at a few of its components to remind us of its richness and what we might want to model better in the coming year in our homes and lives.

Love is sacrificial. Anyone in a marriage or other relationship must never expect 50/50 relating. There are times when it's equal and both partners should learn to love well. But sacrifice means just that - we give up something. Sometimes we have to give up totally because the other doesn't or is incapable of it for a time.

Love is long-term. It is not something to do just once or two times, but it's far more to love over and over, year after year. Real love lasts and endures through even the worst.
Love isn't selfish. Love isn't done for what we'll get in return, how we'll look or to have good feelings. Love totally focuses on one another for their good.

Finally, love is God - directed.  Every Holy Book says that God is love so we need to get our strength and direction from the source. If we try to love on our own, we will mess up. We won't sacrifice, it won't last for long or we'll probably take the glory by ourselves.
So, as for another year fades, don't let your love wane. Make it richer and stronger and more giving than ever. Love really is the glue that holds us all together.

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