Friday 2 January 2015

What is there in Name?

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet (William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)
In India, it is not just the name; rather it is more than that.
Indian Parents start looking for the name of the kids the day an embryo is conceived in the mother’s womb OR even earlier. They apply their all intelligence in doing so. It represents the aspiration of the parents. It represents their un-fulfilled dreams which they want to visualize in their kids. 
While searching for a job, a fresher would go with a company with an established goodwill, generally called as brand name. A same cloth purchased with any reputed company's name attached to it would cost anyone in multiples as compared to the one without a brand name.
For that matter, Amitabh Bachhan, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, OSHO, Dev Anand........(the list is never ending) are recognized more with their names instead of their appearances.

Even , the living beings on earth worship and prayer, probably the same thing, in different languages to GOD named differently in their religion. Some worship SHIVA, some offer their prayers to ALLAH, some believes in JESUS and some knows their God with the name of GURU NANAK. The appeal is same, the blessings we all seek are same, the kindness we want from God is just the same, but still it (GOD) has many names.
I just mentioned the above background to reflect the importance of name change, as it is in some way attached to my earning/job profile too. Since the time I have started earning and getting jobs, the organization I join, is usually named different from the organization I leave at the end.
For example, I joined my banking career with UTI bank and by the time I decided to leave it, it has a new name called AXIS bank. Similarly, when I joined as an academician, I joined some other organization and at the time of leaving it was something else.
And now when, I joined Govt. sector, I joined Planning Commission, which with the sun rise of new-year i.e. 2015 lost its old identity to form a new one named National Institution for Transforming India (NITI AAYOG).
May be the change in name is a symbol of change in their importance, change in the way they work, change in the expectation of the organization from its employees, change in the outlook of the organization and finally to prove that nothing is permanent other than CHANGE. And change in name is to change in identity and change in everything it use to possess.
Hence, there is for sure something in name. Had I ever got a chance to meet Shakespeare he must not have stated, “what is there in a name”.

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