Monday 18 August 2014

Then Again My Heart Approves

Just few months back, when the mischievous, happy-go-lucky ME and the reserved, no-nonsense HE decided to be life partners for rest of their life to come, people started to believe that opposite really attracts. At that was the time when all the mouths and minds were continuously thinking that would the chirpy girl from a metropolitan; can ever adjust in a small town where her husband lives?

I always believed that the feelings which I have for my own home (my mom-dad’s place) can never be replicated for any other place or for any other person. I always considered the place to be always full of strong affections. It was life’s first stage and that too for all the undressed was back room, dressing was entire unreserved......... I just cannot imagine myself saying and feeling the same for anything else, no matter what!
But then life changed and so was my mind set. I had a whole new set of people around me and a whole new family to live in after getting married. I was petrified. Always having those sparrows circling my head, I use to think, will I be having my own space here in this new house? Can I ever live on my own terms and likings here? With all these questions getting bold and finally getting answered with time, today I can say that it’s not the place but the people around you and at home, makes it a place worth living in and worth living for.

I can’t thank God enough to bestow me with his blessings in the form of divinest husband and Parents in law. Words cannot describe how fated I am to have them in my life. They have selflessly given more to me than I could have ever asked for. They never made me realize that I am missing my duties and responsibilities of being a daughter in law due to the commitments I always have towards my career or studies or what not..... Rather they always supported me in all the tough times by standing strong and shielding me from all the troubles. My lovely husband has been unbelievably supportive. He is a promise from GOD that I will have a FRIEND FOREVER. My mother in law has made me laugh. Wiped my tears, hugged me tight, watched me succeed, seen me fail, cheered me on, and kept me going strong. My dad in law told me that Daughter-in-law, you've added to our family a warm and charming touch. We know you as a daughter now and love you very much.
Now I feel that Well sometimes, HOME IS A PERSON.......Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.....You can go other places, all right - you can live on the other side of the world, but you can't ever leave home.......Home is where somebody notices, when you are no longer there......Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in........ Today wherever I go or wherever I stay, I always want to get back to my home (NEW) to be with my extended family...... You all made me realized and helped me in getting the answer to the question that “why it never worked out with anyone else?”

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