Thursday 21 August 2014

In Search of a Secret

Today while thinking, what to write or what to do, surprisingly I found a secret.

 I just thought and thought over it again that why can’t I do something which will bring mental peace and busy my mind towards some good cause. Then at that moment only I started browsing internet for the search of “SOMETHING”. Something which I myself was not clear with and on top of that I did not know how to put that “SOMETHING” in words to write in the browser window so that the search will began. To be modest to sound, I did not know how to start; to start something so as to end the thought process of empty mind.

I was on a quest to find out if there is a secret formula to successfully utilize the time and energy in a positive way. What I found was enough to surprise and, at the same time, impressed me. I could say that there is no such formula but yes there are some steps which would definitely increase the chances of “you being occupied in some positive work”.
Most of them are common sense stuff, though there are few odd counter-intuitive tips as well.
1. Start – Surely this is the easiest thing to do. Make sure you do it
2. Keep it real – Overnight success are stuff of movies, be true to yourself
3. Keep it a secret – Do not publicize your goals before you even start – apparently your brain interprets it as an achievement of the goal and affects your motivation to actually achieving the goal
4. Celebrate Success – Positive reinforcement works like magic, make sure you celebrate every milestone
5. Buddy-Up – Look around you and identify a source of encouragement and feedback – for that occasional push and to pull you out of the drenches when required
6. Start Again – Expect to go off-track every so often, but important thing is to re-start
7. Mix-it-Up – Variety, they say is the spice of life and indeed is at the heart of keeping your resolution routine interesting.
And while browsing only, i came across one of my friend’s status, matching my mind set and requirement of the time. Being an economics student and also an excellent researcher, he could beautifully summarise the true meaning of life with an amazing reason to keep you moving towards your goals. It goes something like this If at first you don't succeed, try two more times so that your failure is statistically significant.... 

And finally in search of a good Start, I Ended with a secret and that is “ATLEAST START”.

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