Saturday 23 July 2022

Ways to handle stress

The pictures below are taken from web and are self-explanatory in their own way, listing few keys to manage stress. 

But when it comes to actually managing the devil, the biggest problem, the worst nightmare; sometimes even these tips fails to do any good and that’s what makes it difficult for us to face the reality with the good lively spirit.

Hence here I have tried to list down some of my personal favourite ways which are tried and tested in my life and might help you as well.

1. Focus on what you can control:
Most of the things that stresses out have nothing to do with us. They aren’t up to us. They aren’t worth worrying about. 

2. Prepare for it in advance:
Don’t just do positive visualization, do negative visualization as well. Seneca says, the blow you anticipate, lands the least heavy.

3. Morning Journal:
Every morning I spend a few minutes with journal; writing down my thoughts, working out what I am stressed about. Then I do the same thing in the evening, where I review how the day went, what I could do better. Did I really need to be worried? Did my worry make anything better?

4. Have a hobby:
Have something that’s different than your work. It’s different than your kids. That allows you to put some of your energy to good use. 
The Stoice like to say that we should laugh at life, don’t cry about it. That is, don’t let everything weigh on you so much. Life is absurd rather than terrible. 

5. Memento Mori:
You are going to die. We are all going to die. None of this is just permanent. Relax. In the light of your very fragile mortality, almost nothing is worth stressing about.

Wishing you all a very nice and less worrisome life. Don't expect it to be without problems. After-all, it is life and hence synonymous to problems; just be an expert in managing the things what life brings to you.

Looking forward to know your views on these in the comment section below.

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