Friday 10 June 2022

Decide when you should get angry


Much has been said about anger, an emotion that most of us experience often. We read about anger, we learn anger management tips, and we know that it is an emotion with the power to destroy, and yet when it comes to our own lives, it’s an altogether different story.

Anger may be an emotion that we cannot evade, but the truth is that life is much more beautiful when we learn not to succumb to it.

Let me try and put a story narration in words: There was once a saint who felt like having a bottle of beer. He asked his disciples to get him one. When the shocked disciples did as they were told, the saint simply folded his hands and stared at the bottle.

Later, he asked his disciples to take it away. When one of them asked him, “What was it that you did?” the saint told him something that we all need to understand. He said, “I cannot control the feelings, the emotions, or the temptations but I can definitely control my actions.”

As long as I keep my hands folded, there is no way I can grab this bottle of beer, and even though I cannot control my temptations I can control my actions.

I have realized that when you are angry the best thing to do would be nothing at all. These days, when I get really upset I choose not to say anything. I retire to my room for a couple of minutes, listen to some music, or distract myself. I let myself feel the emotion, but I don’t let myself react.

When we were little kids we used to write with pencils. It was a sign that told us that our mistakes could be corrected. As we grew older we received permanent markers to paint with on the canvas called life. This is because we were expected to take the responsibility of not making irreversible mistakes. Anger doesn’t allow us the irreversible mistakes and hence should be chosen wisely if can’t be controlled.

Now when I am saying that you can not avoid to be angry, then the exquisite minds should have this question; is there any right time to get angry?

Let me try to explain the point of DECIDING WHEN TO GET ANGRY:

Bhishma Pitamah is known to have done only one blunder in life – he did not get angry at the right moment, when Draupati was being disrobed.

Whereas Jatayu is known for only one virtue in his life – he got angry at the right time, when Sita was being kidnapped by Ravana and he tried to save her.

When the time came, both died.

But Bhishma Pitamah died on the bed of arrows and Jatayu died in the lap of Lord Rama.

The vedas state that anger turns into a blessing when it is done for the cause of ethics and morality, and on the other hand, tolerance may turn into a sin when it cannot safeguard ethics and morality.



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