Wednesday 1 February 2023

Power of little things

Today's post is inspired by the quote "If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way", often attributed to
Martin Luther King, II
Sometimes, we set a high bar for ourselves and strive to do the same, if not better. We set high expectations on who we should be, what we should do and push ourselves to so just that.

Except that it doesn't always work out. It fails as we become weighed down by the enormity of our goal, and stresses by the need to do great things, we decide to do... nothing. Days turn into weeks, which turn into months, and nothing happens as we hold on tight to our grand goal, waiting for the perfect moment to set ourselves onto it.

In such cases, here's something to remember: If you cannot do great things now, for whatever reason, then start by doing small things in a great way.

This means,
  • If your goal is to start your restaurant, then start by perfecting your recipes for your meals, right in your kitchen.
  • If you goal is to develop the next big app, then start by developing tools that people will use, that solves people's pain points.
  • If your goal is to be a best - selling author, then start by refining your writing skills, through your daily writing and researching to understand what makes other tick.
  • If your goal is to be a top YouTuber, then start by creating simple videos that convey your ideas well.

Whatever big goal you have been putting off, ask yourself: What is that small thing I can do well instead?

Because it's so easy to overlook the small things in favour of that big goal we want to get to. Yet our results in the long-term are built on the little steps we take today.
  • An athlete wins the race because he has spent each day following his workout regime without fail.
  • A singer achieves her / his big break because she/he has performed many small gigs which helped hone her / his vocals and develop her/his onstage persona.
  • An author publishes a best - selling  bool because he has spent years building his expertise and his writing skills.

We are, in essence, not what we will do on some fine day, but what we do today.

While doing small things well today may not seem like a great deal, especially when we stack them up against our final big goal, a 1% improvement each day, done for 365 days, leads to a 37 - times improvement.

But it starts by first committing to these small steps and doing them well. it is not that grand big goal that you're going to work on at some point in the future that matters. It is what you do now, today. these small steps determine what you eventually become.
So, what small steps can you take today? And how can you do these small steps in a great way?

I am starting with my YOGA JOURNEY today by a small step of 1 hour for at least 3 days a week.

Looking forward to knowing about yours...

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