Friday 12 January 2024

How I plan to Romanticize my Ordinary Life in 2024

Life is beautiful, but sometimes all it takes a little change in perspective to really see it. That's exactly what it means to romanticize our lives. Its all about putting a spin to how we approach our day to day, meaning be grateful for everything that we have and to acknowledge the smallest little details that often get unnoticed. It not just to seek all that is beautiful but to embrace everything life has to offer. The Good! The Bad! and the turbulent rollercoaster in between that makes life such an intriguing journey.

1. Live, Don't just Exist

Oscar Wild once said that to live is the rarest thing one does but most people just exist. That is it.

So I decided to be living by consciously being present for the experience. One may take a lifetime to be able to do this but atleast we may try and start by bringing a purpose into our stories rather than being just surviving/ existing.

2. Find Simple Pleasures

By loving the things that are part of my daily routine like brewing the Tea as the first thing in the morning, cutting the fruits to be part of the dry lunch boxes I prepare etc. These may not sound the most exiciting things but these gives me a reason to wake up each morning and these can be the moments that offer extraordinary experiences. they are commonly those moments which we take it for granted but forgets that these are the only moments that makes our life beautiful.

3. Making the difficult task into Challenges

Some things are hard to enjoy, no matter how hard I try, but still need to get it done. I think making it a challenge and rewarding my own self for getting it done, will make it much more motivating and also help me to take things not too seriously. Because life is not just a long list of things to do but much more than that. 

4. Being the main character

Prioritizing my own self over many things is one of the things I am going to follow for sure because to romanticize with anyone/ anything, you have to make it as your priority. I will not only survive to please everyone around me doing things out of obligations but being the main character I think I will be creating my life according to my own terms without feeling to keep up with anyone else because everyone's story is unique.

5. Everyday matters, so make it count

Instead of holding off until the special occasion to do something special, I think it is important to make every single day count. Also since I have seen from so close that how unpredictable the life is, one should not miss any chance to enjoy it whenever you can. With this mindset we create more opportunities to do things that makes us happy. Know that the only moment that matters is the present moment so make it count.