Thursday 18 January 2024

How Do I Plan to Slowdown

 "Slowing down" is the mindset when I just feel like hitting the restart button and restart. And after reading alot about the ways one can do this, I think I will be resorting to these:

1. Declutter

I think, cleaning up a space in less than 5 minutes, no amount of time management required, neither the need for pricey organization systems in place is something I always advocate for. And this can always be a way to slow down. All we need is to just start with decluttering to reach the desired target of slowing down.

2. Communicate

When the signs of depression/ frustration or stagnation in the form of regularly desiring for shopping, staying permanently busy or not getting enough sleep shows up; that is the time to Slow Down. And during that time, one sure way to slow down would be to Communicate. Just opening up would give us a way to slow down mentally I think.

3. Walking

I think it is a way to leave us free to be wholly lost in our thoughts. Mind slows down when we decide to slow down and that is when we get a unique internal balance.

4. Try less item wardrobe

Choosing from less, keeping less, organizing less and taking care of the less is the way forward towards slowing down. Less but close to heart and precious for us makes it important and cared. Slowing down will automatically be a result of such choice.

5. Giving myself Financial Peace

Having 1 debit card and no debt is my target this year. There is nothing more stressful than having money problems or money fights. Hence one of the best ways to slow down is to find financial peace because that can be the most noisy thing one can have around. 

6. Simplified Meals

There is something nice about just getting ahead and doing a little bit of meal planning and meal prepping. Instead of ordering out, getting take aways or spending huge amount on heavy prepared meals at the costly places, one way to find slow pace in life is to prepare slowly but yourself and enjoy every moment in life without making it burdensome in any way.

7. Go to bed early

Having a good night sleep is so much understated. Sleep is the first thing to have for everyone, but we somehow don't prioritize rest. So the best way to slow down is to go to bed early and with REST as the only thing in mind.

8. Dumb Down your Smartphone

Ofcourse not forever but for some time, some hours in a day. Making a conscious choice rather than just basically submitting to the fact that these things are engineered to steal our time and attention. Screens without forethought and boundaries so cause chaos and noise in our life, so moving away from them or deciding to intentionally quit it for some time in a day.

9. Brain Dump

Picking up a paper and dividing it into 2, (i) Work & (ii) Personal and dropping just everything into it, that floats in my mind is the one way that I'll be resorting to for cleaning my mind. Making bullet points & giving everything a spot on the paper makes everything looks so doable and hence a best way to slow down to accomplish everything that one desires.


  1. Super thought,
    Fourt one is most helpful in the process

    1. Thank you so much for reading and appreciating :)

  2. Mature Thought Process...
    Keep Evolving...
