Monday 8 May 2017

Is LIfe Bigger Than Death?

I carry a signature saying, "Life is bigger than death." These are hope-filled comfort words.   When I long for my Mom's hug, and miss loved ones who have left this world, I nestle into this truth.  

The other day I were low, missing many around, and I don’t know if God knew it? While driving that day I tuned in to a radio channel where the speaker was about to share some live events which let you believe that life is really bigger than death. It sounded like this;

It is about:
Writer of many films such as: Aawara, Shri 420, Mera Naam Jokar, Bobby, etc.
Producer and Director to some offbeat films namely: Saat Hindustani, Do boond Paani, etc.
Khawaja Ahmad Abbas, popularly known as K.A. Abbas, also a column writer in Blitz Newspaper, which use to be liked and appreciated hugely by readers.
The days during which he realized that there are not many days left to his life, then he called his secretary Abdul Rehman and handed over him his will. Which, as per his last wish, was decided to read in front of everyone including his relatives and friends only after his demise.
On 1st June 1987, he said his last goodbye to life. And as per his choice and desire, the will was read after that in front of his loved and dear ones. Some of the paragraphs of the same are as follows:
I, Khawaja Ahmad Abbas, age 73 years, in all my senses, but in the bad health phase of my life, would like to share my thoughts about my life. Many people do not even live for 70 years but fortunately, I lived 3 years more than that. Please don’t grief or mourn on my death. Please don’t shed any tear.
While laying me to rest, please take care of the fact that when you take me for my last journey, from home to graveyard, play Maharashtra Band in front of it. When you pick me up from home, it should be on my friends shoulder. Bring my body to Chaupati near Mahatma Gandhi’s Statute, and entomb me next to my wife.
I don’t know anything about hell and heaven, but in this life I have already experienced what heaven would be like and also I have skilled how hell would be. And that is why I request you all to celebrate my death and not feel sorry about it. And I really want that the people mentioned below should not speak for more than 5 minutes.
1.   Editor Biltz: R. K. Kalanjia (Rustom Khurshedji Karanjia)
2.  Prolific and versatile Urdu writer: Ali Sardar Jafri
3.  Indian film dialogue and screenwriter: Inder Raj Aanand
4.  V.P. Sathe
5.  Roshan Fayal Maulvi (Muslim), Brahaman (hindu), Essai (Christian)

They were the closest to him but they all were allowed to speak not even for 5 minutes, may be because he never wanted his closed one to suffer in any way, neither emotionally nor physically.
Alright my dear friends, please accept my blessings and love.
When do we meet next, or don’t know if we ever meet again or not, but if you want to meet me and speak to me then please turn the pages of books written by me. I promise to meet you there in those books. Alright! Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye!
Rest only Love, Love and love.

And that day I could not ask the God to expand my knowledge on the idea more. I’ve graciously offered some keys to more fully comprehend the greatest gift God has given each of us.  The gift of LIFE:
1. Life is a Person, death is not.
2. Because Life is a Person, there is relationship. Another way to describe death is the diminishment or cessation of relationship.
3. Life exists without any reference to death, but death cannot 'seem to exist' except in reference to Life.
4. Out of Life emerges all of creation, death has created nothing.
5. Life is pro-creative and co-creative, death is sterile.
6. Human beings introduced death (un-created Life); it does not originate in God.
7. God, who is Life, defeated death and did so as a human being.
8. Death can be un-done and swallowed up.  Life can only be lied about.
9. Life continues after 'death'.

10. Death will ultimately be eradicated; Life promised!


  1. Excellent thought rather true fact really you have solved the puzzle

    1. Thanks! Although the puzzle is yet to be solved "but while fearing the future, one should not stop living in present", is the only message this blog of mine tried to give.

  2. As always, I feel touched and moved by the thought process that you represent in your blogs. Very few reach this level at your age. Please keep the candle glowing. It truly helps many see the unseen!

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks a lot! I am glad you read. Life itself is a process, which we all are trying to understand and during the time when we are understanding, we should not be missing on life. That's the important thing.
