Tuesday 9 August 2016

When the darkness has no ray of hope

Off lately I have learned that all the problems we face are not natural in nature rather some are very much under control and can be cured with just little bit of efforts and concentration on them. But the question is, who will have the powers to solve these problems and who have the capabilities to deal with them.

Many of the problems are due to the fact that the things around you, your surroundings, the people around you and the environment around you are not changing with time and making rest of the things stink. Probably that is the time when all your health problems becomes an outcome of your mental illness and the worst part is that you cannot even make the people understand about the same. They are the one who are in a better position to deal with it and solve them permanently but sometimes you feel when you have some issues, it is not always the case with rest of the people around you and that is the time when you feel absolutely shattered and depressed.

Your deteriorating health, your tears, your depression, your anxiety and your sorrowful face is also doesn’t bother the people around you, who can actually, by taking a stand, can solve the problems or may be can reduce their impact. These are the things which sometimes, rather very often, puts you into the position of questioning your own self about your existence. And this comes as a lesson that until you concentrate on your own problems and things no one will take the initiative and solve them for you. No one will ever do it for you until they themselves are affected by them.

I would like to leave this write up as an open ended one and may be this time the readers can give an insight to it, that how to deal with the manmade problems and how to make people, around you, understand as to what you are going through and what implication will this have on you in future.


  1. I think I can comment on this as I have been going through a similar situation lately. It's true that sometimes it becomes utterly difficult to share your problems with the people around you. Moreover, given the fact that everyone is busy with their own life's problems, very few of us actually take out time to discuss others' problems. This leads to insecurities and complexities at times for the individual who is going through it.

    What helped me?

    1. Taking a stand for myself by asking help from the people I love.
    2. Listening to motivational speeches on YouTube.
    3. Meditation
    4. Having 7-8 hours sleep every night by disconnecting from all electronic devices - TV, mobile, laptop, lights. It helps!

    1. First of all thank you for reading and thank you again for sparing out time to comment with the most helpful techniques to deal with the situation. I am sure it will prove to be useful for me and to all others who are reading this.
      Wish u a wonderful time and great health ahead :)

  2. I think I can comment on this as I have been going through a similar situation lately. It's true that sometimes it becomes utterly difficult to share your problems with the people around you. Moreover, given the fact that everyone is busy with their own life's problems, very few of us actually take out time to discuss others' problems. This leads to insecurities and complexities at times for the individual who is going through it.

    What helped me?

    1. Taking a stand for myself by asking help from the people I love.
    2. Listening to motivational speeches on YouTube.
    3. Meditation
    4. Having 7-8 hours sleep every night by disconnecting from all electronic devices - TV, mobile, laptop, lights. It helps!
