Monday 29 August 2016

Pampering can be dangerous

In some of the recent conversations with few kids of age 7-8 years, I have realized that the role which upbringing plays in ones’ attitude towards life, cannot be substituted by anything else in the world.
Let me share the incidences where I have felt that there is some problem with the attitude of those kids and the faults were not of their own but of their guardians who are upbringing them.
One of the guy, with a very sound background a well-educated set of siblings, friends and parents, use to tell to his friends to do friendship with a particular boy of his age because he was rich and his dad has a hotel where they can go anytime and eat anything. What does this show? To me it is a upbringing wherein parents are inculcating just the importance of money and status around any kid. They are guiding the kid to take the maximum opportunities possible by being surrounded with the rich friends. Is it not showing the hungry, opportunist, and starving attitude of parents? Will it not affect the future growth of the child?
On the other hand, I heard a small kid saying to the other that you cannot take admission in my school as it is the costliest among all the neighbourhood schools and you can not afford it. Where from is he hearing this? Is it not the conversation of parents which is bringing the wrong impression to child’s mindset? Are the parents want to teach the kid the power of money which they have? Or is it the beginning of a wrong attitude development in terms of considering everyone around you as the inferior. I think such parents should stop boasting about the money or income they earn, at least not in front of the kids and instead should teach their children about the true value and meaning of status, politeness and good relations.
Another situation which I faced was of a kid who was visiting his relatives. When jokingly, the owner of the room (the youngest in the house) played a prank and told him that it’s his room and he should be the one dictating the rules, then very cunningly the child said, that this room belongs to the owner of the house, which you are not and thus not to you. There I have realized that how does this kid knows about all the in and outs of the ownership? And also, is it not the case always that any logical parent teach his/her kid the value of sharing and obeying to elders. In this very case, I think parents are putting in the wrong impression in child’s mind that only the owner of any material thing is the supreme authority and rest others are just the dummies and should not be bothered about.
On the contrary, when I happen to meet the parents of the same kids, they are always safe guarding their mistakes, always being extra protective for them, always busy teaching the world that it (the world) should behave well with their children. And then I always pray to God that he should bless me with all the courage to either avoid these types of kids and their wrong parents or give me courage to detach my own parts from any such kid and parents. Whenever I will be having my own kids, I will try to save them from the wrong company as well as try to teach them the best for them by giving them the training to lean from their own mistakes, instead of saving them from the scolding of right people.

I wish to reach every such parent, through this write up, who are busy protecting their kids, even when they know that they are wrong. May I request you all, that this will make your as well as your child’s future really dark and at that time, you will not find any such torch which can bring light to their life back? It’s a humble request to all the loving parents of this world, to take care of the things at present instead of harvesting the damaged crop (your children) in future.