Monday 28 September 2015

Celebration of love and togetherness........THREE YEARS IT IS

For my love Rishi,

Happy three year wedding anniversary to my remarkable husband. I really couldn’t have dreamt you up if I tried. God definitely out did Himself and sent me His best. I hope you know the best years of my life started with you, and that you actually make me look forward to growing old because I know you’re by my side. I am beyond thankful to God for you.

We celebrated our anniversary in a one more memorable way by being to a monument of love, THE TAJ MAHAL. God is so good, because we had no clue as to what we should do to celebrate. As our anniversary weekend approached we didn’t stress about it because we were just grateful for being married to each other. But then God did something amazing, AGAIN! We just found out that this time we have a long weekend and by just taking a single day off I can spend four days with him. God is always on time and you never have to force what is meant to be. God will just make it happen for you if it’s in His will.  

It is just a wonderful experience to be on the side of your husband and celebrate the special days and evenings with him, away from all the worldly affairs and away from all the worries. We happen to be in the same hotel for the second time and it was really a wonderful experience again. This reinforces that it is not only the place but majorly the company that makes a place worth visiting. I also realized that you do not have to have any conversation to make each other know what you feel and what you want. It is just the silence that plays a role between you two both. There is just a voice that doesn’t use words. We experience that during our trip. Now I know that it’s not what I feel for him, but rather it is something I could not feel for anyone else.

On another note, I have been blessed with many questions asking me to share “how I knew my husband was the one”, “how do I maintain a healthy relationship?” or asking “how do you know who is the right one to marry?” Marriage first and foremost is a spiritual relationship. It works best when two people are connected individually to God, walking with Him, obeying Him in scripture, and praying as individuals and as a couple. If you push the spiritual dimension to the side, you are ignoring the very God who created marriage, the one who can help you make it work (I want a Godly marriage). Marriage is much much bigger than just getting married for selfish reasons (this is why the divorce rate is so high). It is a union God designed to bring Him glory; for two are better than one. I will be sharing a post with you guys on “how to know if a guy is marriage material”.

I would again say, ALL THE GLORY IS TO GOD.

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