Wednesday 1 July 2015

hasta la vista

You may be given retirement because you are growing old. But it is a pity that they doesn’t realize, that it is letting go of an asset more precious than gold. And although you seem to be too young to retire, but since the day has come, I applaud you for your years of service and achievement at NITI Aayog (formerly Planning Commission). Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your retirement.

Although it has been just a year and few months that I have started working with you, still I will need to adjust to the idea that you are no longer in the room number 401. I have thoroughly enjoyed our association. How I wish that you were born a few years later so that we would have got some more time to work under the guidance of an awesome boss like you. I have already started feeling that as if a part of us is missing. You have always brightened up the whole office. I hope I can do your reputation justice!

I can see very few who have worked as hard as you have. You never took day – offs from work... and there are no day – offs in retirement either. I hope you will enjoy directing your energies into your other special interests.

Please remember that no matter how much everyone wishes you well for your retirement, deep down inside they’re just sad that you are leaving.

All I will say at last is “PLEASE DO NOT BE A STRANGER”. 

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