Wednesday 24 June 2015

Either drive or know how to avoid the bumpy roads of life

I have recently read it somewhere written that “if you feel that you’re the only driver in a relationship; it’s time to park it and walk away.” And Karma says there is no need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw-up themselves and if you are lucky, God will let you watch. And keeping both these facts in mind and practicing it, which I have started doing recently, all I have reached to is that I am a very patient person and I give plenty of second chances but at the same time I am not a saint also to believe you every second time. I have my own limits as well. All that I have to advice to anyone in a relationship, that if one wants to avoid the probable bumps to occur, he or she should follow three golden rules which are (1) Don’t lie, (2) Don’t cheat and (3) Don’t make promise you can’t keep.

I think the best way to make anyone understand anything is via your silence, because sometimes silence has the power more than the words. And that is why they say, “She used words to say nothing at all and silence to explain everything.”

All I have to conclude is that I am happy to know and to observe a transformed me as I have come to accept the bumpy roads of life. All it seems to lead, the best, transformed and refined you, is to the best ever places. And it is just on the journey you realize the value of true people, people who deserve to stay near to you, people who knows & appreciate your worth and people you can look up to for every small little thing in life.

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