Sunday 14 June 2015

As far as words go to heal like medicines do

Today I met someone for the very first time and I would say addressing him as a True Gentleman ("G") would be an understatement. He is a soul hard to find rather ceases to exist in today’s time. He lives less for himself and more for others who are known to him and for those who doesn’t but will surely know him in the days to come because the kind of influence he has cannot go unnoticed for long. Mine was the first meeting with him today but really I want to meet him again and again. I really want to hear what all he has to say and share. He uses the easiest language to answer the most complex questions regarding life. The reason of our meeting wasn’t a nice one but still the meeting was enough to teach me the toughest lessons of life in the simplest way ever.

One of our friends lost his dad and his demise left all the living relationships shattered behind. He got a loss for lifetime which can never be repaired and the vacuum created by the missing soul can never be filled back. We all know this fact already but still when we face it, the situation becomes hard to accept for everyone. And moreover, it also happens that people fall short of words when it comes to counsel someone going through this kind of bad phase in life.

But today, being an extraordinary day, I met someone who had the perfect words to say and most appropriate examples to quote to bring the feeling of being better off than many, even in the worst situations of your life. “G” quoted, the daughter to a martyrdom attained solider, who was born after three months of her father being passed away is worst off as she never got a chance to see her father, nor did she met him ever, neither she shared a single smile or word with him ever. And when she was just three years old, she said her father in her dreams said that they both do not have even a single photograph together. These words from a daughter who was not fortunate enough to meet her father ever, were enough to bring the never ending flow of tears in the eyes of many who heard this. And hence, the friend of ours who lost his father just two days back is much better off as he at least have the memories of togetherness with his dad which he can cherish throughout his life.

That way “G” could easily explain that it is wise to be happy for the moments you have spent with the lost soul, which you can cherish, rather than crying for the moments which will never come. I am really influenced (which is very rare of me) and truly looking forward for meeting “G” more often to get to know such inspiring incidences and hence feeling blessed for what all I have and for all the time I am living with my loved ones. 

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