Monday 19 January 2015

The Wait Continues.......

Yes, I am waiting since so long and it is still on. This wait is about changed attitude.

I thought it is easy to learn from the mistakes we do and the anxiety of the losses we had in past, will preserve us from repeating them again. But after having the continuous fights over the same issues with the same person, I have realized that it is easier said than done. No one learns from their mistakes, not even me. People repeat those continuously. What I have understood is, they do not do them intentionally rather it has become their basic nature. And even after so much of GYAAN on this, by ‘n’ number of people, they just refuse to change.

Mistakes, makes us perfect no doubt! Rather mistakes are the costs we pay for perfection and success. But is it necessary to pay the same cost again and again? Is it not more interesting and adventurous to pay a new cost, if necessary, every second time. Is it important that when the loss becomes irreplaceable, then only one has to understand the reason as a repeated mistake behind it?

I have been losing alot in the past due to the mistakes of people around me and the ones I were doing continuously, but unfortunately, at present also I am entangled in the same trap and loosing on time and fun which I could have got otherwise. And the worse is that I do not know the solution to overcome from this problem. Except to be positive that someday the person will understand my point of view too and we will have one less reason to fight over.
And I end up saying the same closing line “the wait continues”...... 

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