Wednesday 10 September 2014

Forever Grateful

I am very thankful that God had blessed me with such amazing people in my life. He knows when to send amazing people in when I'm going through hard times. Relationships are hard and when things get rocky, he just knows who to send in to make me feel better. And that is why he blessed me with a family who gave me enormous love and care. I'm thankful to have the constant support of my family. My husband demonstrated a great sence of responsibility towards me and never ending patience. My sister is amazing. It has been a very challenging years and we've only gotten closer because of that. Though I may have lost some people along the way, I thank God that he has blessed me with an open and accepting attitude that better things will come.

I'm grateful that I've survived my personal and professional unhappiness. I'm grateful that though I'm nowhere close to the life I had envisioned for myself, I'm far better off than so many others. I'm grateful God provided me oppurtunities all the time, yes I never understood them correctly and made decisions sometimes incorrect ones. But I like to think at least I had choices. I'm grateful to have loved someone like my husband with all my heart and soul. I'm grateful to my hubby for the beautiful times and dreams we shared making true few of them!! I'm grateful to loving people who stepped in and out of my life and shaped it the way it is now!

Each day has possibilities for meeting people, engaging in new adventures, acquiring knowledge, experiencing new wonders, participating in the miracle of life. What I am grateful for above all is life with all its possibilities and loved ones and good friends to share it with today.

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