Monday 22 September 2014

Stunned: A never ceased rejoinder

How weird people behave or can behave is something astounds and surprises me always....

Today I thought of pen downing some of the incidences which I came across and then my mind shouted “WHAT????” But since we have positives attached with every negative so here are some good thoughts following from all the negatives people are doing.

Some people want to keep good relations with everyone. No matter whether they are right or wrong, good or bad or if they are nice or the jerks of highest order. They basically want to take advantage of everyone on earth and since not everyone have everything, so they always maintain good terms with everyone. In return, what they are silently loosing is the true relation, true care and faith of true people around. Thank you God for showing the right face of bad people and allowing us to maintain that distance from them. Although their behavior hurt but also it prepares you for the time when they will be the first one to back out when you will be in need.

Some of our close relatives have all the time and balance in mobile to call people and asking for their well-being and wishing them for all stupid reasons. No matter whether it is LOCAL, STD or even ISD calls, they have all the time and money and thoughts, but for the people who are actually tolerating them since long and will keep on doing it, they do not have time and money. Thankfully we have all the reasons for doing nothing good in future for them. This is the only positive.

Many dogs and bitches, who were always busy taking gifts and money and advantages from us, they are allowed to forget your birthdays, your important dates or even your works. That hurts and it hurts to the point that we do not want to see their faces. But since we cannot avoid seeing them, God has given some other benefits and that is SAVING for future. We do not have to spend in thousands and lakhs on buying the costliest and the prettiest gifts for them anymore. Nor we are expected to wish them as the first ones for any occasions.

I was astonished to see when someone commented on my posts updated on Facebook. Usually, the comments are for appreciation and admirations but it seems so foolish of people when they ask you silly questions like when u went, when it happened, when was it.....instead of saying u looking good, you seem to have good time or nice posts...... Thankfully people give you enough reasons for your future relations and reactions to their stupid actions.

It looks very selfish and miser of the elder people who are always ready to accept your gifts that too with both their hands open so wide, but in return they cannot even give you their silliest of blessing in return. My God, I went in shock when our so called senior relatives took the gifts from us (me and my husband, the youngest one of the family) and in return they could not offer anything to us. It feels they are the most starved people on earth and the worst to keep any relation with. But unfortunately they are unavoidable also. SO the learning is what so every, as much as you can give, they will never be satisfied. Hence it is better to avoid them and don’t waste your time to choose the best for them. Always treat them with the left-over of your house and gift them the craziest and cheapest of thing available on earth.

Life is full of colours & people. And you need every kind of person to make it more colourful and spicy. So always be grateful to God who allows you to see these colours and people and makes you an experienced fellow to read them right in future. And the best course of action for future is to ask them to go their way and you walk on a unique your way.

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