Wednesday 15 September 2021

Stability a myth: My life story


Born and brought up in the capital of the country, you can call me a big town girl, belonging to a middle-income group family by virtue of birthing in a service class family. No big or fancy profits at the end of every month but a hard-earned salary getting credited into the account of both of my working parents. We, I, and my sister, have been taught from the beginning that to earn something extra you have to be little more extra ordinary because the resource set at your disposal is very limited. I still remember how for claiming that one piece of, so called imported, chocolates; I and my sisters have always been advised to get some unrealistic grades or some next to impossible positions. Although they looked like the most difficult things to achieve, but with the end rewards attached to them, they always made us work hard to achieve. Moral of the story, which we have been living since childhood now is, EARN IT TO HAVE IT.

Educational Endowments

     What made me a decision maker since the beginning is the liberty to choose when others of my age were served with an already chosen plater. That played a major role in making me a present version of myself . At that point in time, it was really a matter of pride to choose or decide for my own self as to what I want to pursue further up in my studies and that’s when I decided a non-medical background for myself, when my father wanted both his daughters to be doctors. So, I decided to be a doctor in my own field when, back in those days, doctor was just a synonymous to medical profession. This was the starting point when I decided to be an Economist.

My love affair

     It was during my masters when I met this guy and fell in love with. Knowing that he comes from an entirely different family background, culturally different set up and most importantly from a state which is like “some 3-digit number” miles away. But I take pride in stating that after fighting all the odds against us, we could manage to continue our long-distance relation then and a married couple now.

Electrifying corporate life

      It is during the end of our master’s degree when I got into a good corporate job, and he decided to move back to his town to do something more exciting, matching his choice and alignment of mind. Actually, or probably, this is the only common thing we have between us; TO BE THE DECISION MAKERS FOR OURSELVES. He went back to initiate a start-up in those times when literally the dictionary did not have this word called “STARTUP” in it. And this made our love story harder, because making a middle-class service man (my dad) understand the meaning of start-up was the toughest thing to do. And when every father wants a king to marry his daughter, you cannot convince him easily to married off her daughter to a person who is just in the initial phase of investing without a prior date of returns attached to this. But I happily claim to sail through all of it, though it took a lot of time.

Parting away from my earning profile

     Always being known for making the bold decisions in my family, I decided to take one more of such decisions wherein I decided to quit my job, which was paying me handsomely at that time, to join a full time Ph.D. program and starting again as a student. Afterall, this also was a prestige as I could crack the only seat, to enter one of the best universities of not only the country but the world. Since this decision took away the financial independence so I had to constraint myself on many grounds to a given limited income coming via fellowship.

     This phase did not only give me the wisdom to follow a sustainable lifestyle but also exposed me to the world full of realities. Reality of being able to survive with the basic minimum means of living, reality to survive when you do not have fancy earnings, reality to see the world in a one Levis jeans worn for more than a month etc. etc. I really had my learning curve moving upward during this phase of my life, when I was surrounded with the most intellectual population and the best mentors to guide me through, not only my thesis, but life.

     This was the time when I visited most of the states and could also crossed the international boundaries just because I could manage to work well on my projects, my research works and my assignments. I was exposed to the world full of shining and same minded people and had the privilege to interact to the best mentors of the world in my field of study. God was really kind enough to me as I was given my fair chance to grow up once again. I cannot be more thankful for this time of my life, which majority of population can only dream to live off.

Enquiry time

Many of you must have been wondering as to why was I do not get stable in life till now. May be because, “Change is the only constant thing” was my life’s principle and that kept me going.

When wishes got granted   

When I got married and started living with my husband and his family in a state, many miles away, from mine, I got through the most prestigious and the most difficult of all the tests to enter the Government Jobs. That was a dream come true and I thought I got everything which I ever wished for. And that was the point, I thought, will bring the stability into my otherwise volatile and a nomadic life.

     Entering a secured job structure with the most respected and fancy facilities and the finest salary package, I joined the service around 7 years back. The only drastic decision I took at that time was to again have a long-term relationship with my husband as we decided to work in two different states. But this did not bother both of us at that time as we were young and enthusiastic enough to travel miles, every weekend or to explore the places on our mutual off days. That’s how the life moved, and I had nothing to complain about.

Entry of liveliness         

Kids happened and I found myself standing on the crossroad of life, thinking as to what all and how to manage further with two kids and two different workstations of mine and my husband’s.

Afterall, we still live in the world of dilemma where women have historically been the primary caretaker of children and in the same vein, men have historically been the breadwinners and are expected to succeed in their careers to be providers. But again, going against all the myths and at the same time, duly supported by everyone in the family, I decided to move back to my workplace with two kids (under two) along and we mutually decided that papa (my husband) will keep moving in and out of the state and I will remain stationary at one station.

    Again, I must appreciate that no one interfered in my decision of moving away from my in-law’s family with the kids, when they had all the reasons and liberty to do that. But they all supported my decision and allowed me the flexibility of being my own decision maker. I really respect them for this and cannot thank them enough for giving me the most wanted liberty and courage.


Things were moving on, but there was a guilt within me which kept on firming in with time that I was doing a crime to keep the kids away from their father and the most precious love of their grandparents. As they say, that when you get stuck, take the time away and when you come back, you will know if it’s working for you or not. And that is the moment when clarity comes in.  That’s what I did to get my mind clear off all the thoughts clouding my thought process. And this was the time again when I decided to take another bold decision of my life. Yes, again a decision, a life changing one.

I decided to quit my Government Job, a gazetted post, a post with lot many prestigious powers and benefits attached to it. The decision which I took was of the kind that not even one in millions take. There wasn’t even one single person I met or heard from, who supported this decision of mine when it comes to professional growth with job stability of a working professional.

The only thing which kept me strong on this decision was MY PRIORITY IN LIFE which was and will always be my FAMILY. Families set the stage for future relationships; when life gets hard, feeling of acceptance and understanding only comes from family; it is only the family that provides affection and encouragement which a person needs to feel content. It is only family that foster a sense of belonging to something greater than oneself. It is only those people who have been raised in the close families, develop healthier relationships throughout their lives. I have lived to the fact that it is the family where I have learnt how to manage my emotions, how to interact with others. It was the first setting where I learnt about the consequences, punishments, and the concept of rewards. These lessons only shaped my world view and helped me to see how the world worked. Along with the life lessons, I have learned all the value systems by and being within my family.  It is only the healthy families that forms the backbone of any healthy society. And then I decided to not to dare take this away from my kids.

I took this decision of shifting back to my husband’s place and fitting myself into a private work set up for my kids to grow up in an atmosphere where they find a sense of belongingness, where they find their mamma and papa both loving them equally, where their grandparents shower them with their choicest blessings and love, where they can grow each day to be a better version of their self.

I’ll not make a mistake of calling my life a stable one now because you don’t know what it has to offer you next, but at present I am content and have no regrets for taking any decision, whatsoever.