Thursday 8 October 2015

This too shall pass.....

Every thought, form, feeling and situation in life is temporary

In chapter VIII of “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle there’s a story about the inevitability of change. That story made me aware of how powerful an influence, temporary feelings have on my life. It also gave me a tool against that destructive behaviour. I am hoping it may do the same for you.

According to an old sufi story, there was once a king in the middle east, who was constantly torn between happiness and despair. The slightest thing would provoke a strong reaction in him, and when he felt happiness, it would swiftly turn into disappointment or hopelessness.

The king eventually became so tired of himself, and his life, that he decided to face his problems and call for help. He was notified of a wise man in his kingdom, who was said to be enlightened. The king pleaded for his help, and when the wise man came to see the king, the king told him: “I want to be as you are. I want balance and clarity in my life – And i will pay you any price you demand for that insight”.

The wise man responded: “I might be able to help you, but this insight is so valuable, that the entirety of your kingdom will not be enough to pay for it. That’s why i will give it to you as a gift, if you will honor it”. The king promised he would, and the wise man went on his way.

Weeks later the wise man came to the king again. This time bringing a jade shrine. The shrine contained a golden ring with arab letters inscribed on it. The letters said: “This too shall pass”.

“What is the meaning of this?” the king asked as he stood baffled. The wise man told him to always carry this ring on him, and to always look at it before he judged anything again. Good or bad. “Do this and peace will be with you always” the wise man said.

What “This Too Shall Pass” really means
It seems that this frame of mind will not only serve as consolation when you feel pain in life – It also sounds like you shouldn’t get too excited about good things, because your joy will ease away soon enough anyway. Let us examine it a bit deeper.

What the sentence really means is, that you should do your best, not to judge the situations you find yourself in. Be they good or bad. The words do not that mean you shouldn’t praise happiness in life, and they are not meant to simply comfort you when you feel pain in life. They have a more profound purpose, which is to make you realize that every situation is temporary. Every situation is temporary, because every form and every feeling in life is temporary.

Becoming aware that change is inevitable

When you are aware, that every form and every feeling is temporary, you can develop an abundance in your life. It will be possible for you not to identify yourself with form and feelings. Not identifying yourself with your situations does not mean you will fail to experience all the good things in life. It will actually make you enjoy them more, when you accept that all things are temporary and that change is inevitable. Because realizing this will make you praise the good situations in your life, as long as they last, without the fear of losing them. When you are free of the chains linking you to your current situations, you are free to develop a higher perspective of the situations in your life. You are no longer trapped in them.

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