Tuesday 14 July 2015

I can conquer the world with one hand as long as you keep holding the other

I once had talked to a guy who wouldn’t show affection to his wife in public. Why? He wanted to be a good role model for young boys.

Did he really just say that holding hands with his wife in front of people was being a bad role model? His reasoning made me sad. Really it did. It also left me speechless. I only saw them hold hands once. That was it~~ and they were newlyweds!

I believe that the small act of holding hands in public can be a big witness. Holding hands with your wife shouldn’t be looked down upon at any place, nor do in prayer halls neither at work place and not at all in public market places. I am thankful that there are couples who serve together in ministry as well as contribute their best in business together. I think it is great to show youth strong thriving marriages, especially since there are a lot of marriages that seem to be in crisis.

I disagree with this man’s reason for not showing affection with his wife in public. I think a great way for a husband to be a role model is to show affection to his wife in public. How is it bad to hold hands of your wife in public? I don’t feel it is. 

There are so many other things which a man can teach to many other young men around. Like, they must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. They should teach others what is good. These older men/women must train the younger men/women to love their wives/husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do well, and to be submissive to each other. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

I believe that women do have responsibilities and I do take that seriously. I believe that how wives treat their husbands is important, and can be a witness. Wives, we can witness not just to girls, but to everyone. I honestly believe that having a healthy marriage based on scriptural principles can be an incredible witness to the world! 

Holding hands should be, in my humble opinion, an outward sign of a happy and healthy marriage.

If holding hands with your husband/wife in public is hard for you, I hope the following will encourage you. If you feel that it is awkward, maybe you can take some small steps towards this. Start by holding hands in the movie theater or under the table at a restaurant. Then start holding hands when you go on walks together. Hopefully it can become second nature for you and your husband to hold hands in a crowd. It is really a blessed feeling. Each one of you should appreciate that each of you want to show the world unashamedly that you both are proud to be with each other and at the same time letting each one of you know how much you love each other.

I read it recently that Floyd, 90, and Violet Hartwig, 89, married for nearly seven decades have died at their home five hours apart while holding hands. They both were childhood sweethearts who remained inseparable right up until the last moments that they spent together. Little did they know that years later they would live a life defined by an unwavering love for and dedication to one another, and ultimately, by a deep, handheld connection.

Be blessed and take pride in showing it to the world around that you are in love with a right person!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

When life seems difficult and everything seems to go wrong

Life is not always a walk on roses, nor it is full of chocolates and mangoes on your plate, but still you have to move on and live on. Sometime things happen your way and many other times you do not like the way God has planned things to transpire. Sometimes you refuse to accept what God has in store for you by ignoring the opportunity which has come your way and at many occasions you just keep waiting for the good things to come your way.

I am stuck in same situation since few days now. I do not see things happening my way. I am left shattered many times when what I expected refused to materialize. And with this came the disappointment, frustration, grief and negative attitude towards everything around.

You always want a logical, real and practical reason behind everything that happens for good or not so good. You just cannot accept things without looking into the every single and minute detail of it. And, exactly when you are gloomy, all looks so negative and dark because of your up-side-down attitude/approach towards life & wrong timings of things being fashionable around you.

All I could bring out in the process is that even when your schedule does not matches with the schedule God has set for things to ensue; one should not stop putting in efforts. Just avoiding all those things which are the reasons for delay and are very much under your control to be practiced will never ever reduces your anxiety. The moment you stop doing anything which you needed or could have done, the delay will be indefinite and you will be declared as a looser because of your own self and not because of anyone else. But all those things which cannot be controlled should be let go. For example; you cannot stop people from being verbose, interfering and self-seeking rather all you can do is to maintain a safe distance and keep moving in your life.

All I have learnt in the process is that we should keep putting in our efforts without waiting or thinking about the results; because God blesses only those who keep trying for the results. Identify the problems; work on those whole heartedly and then only you should leave the results and timings on him. But without your cent percent efforts even God will not help you.

All said and done, important is that Faith should always be there. It needs to prevail in everything to come.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

hasta la vista

You may be given retirement because you are growing old. But it is a pity that they doesn’t realize, that it is letting go of an asset more precious than gold. And although you seem to be too young to retire, but since the day has come, I applaud you for your years of service and achievement at NITI Aayog (formerly Planning Commission). Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your retirement.

Although it has been just a year and few months that I have started working with you, still I will need to adjust to the idea that you are no longer in the room number 401. I have thoroughly enjoyed our association. How I wish that you were born a few years later so that we would have got some more time to work under the guidance of an awesome boss like you. I have already started feeling that as if a part of us is missing. You have always brightened up the whole office. I hope I can do your reputation justice!

I can see very few who have worked as hard as you have. You never took day – offs from work... and there are no day – offs in retirement either. I hope you will enjoy directing your energies into your other special interests.

Please remember that no matter how much everyone wishes you well for your retirement, deep down inside they’re just sad that you are leaving.

All I will say at last is “PLEASE DO NOT BE A STRANGER”.