Tuesday 19 May 2015

When a friend said "You never know what you can accomplish until you try"

Today morning I got a text from my husband which read like this:

“When we are wrong and surrender, we are honest;
When we are in doubt and surrender, we are wise;
But when we are right and surrender, we value relations.
Blessed TUESDAY morning. Mangal aapke liye MANGALMAYE ho!”

And it is really a blessed Tuesday for me today. One of my small write-up got published in today’s newspaper “The Hindu”. Can be read at http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/open-page/home-is-where-love-is/article7220699.ece

This brings in, a feeling of accomplishment and also rebuilt that confidence that your interest in writing is not getting waste and hence you are all self-motivated again to keep up with the work of writing.

Today’s event also proved that I have a right set of friends as they are ready to share and guide me in right direction. Sending the article to “The Hindu” was one of my friend’s ideas and she only guided me with the process and procedure of doing it. She is also one of those who not only reads my blogs regularly but also remembers what I write and hence never misses to quote one when required.  I cannot thank you enough “Madhura” for bringing me this feeling of joy and contentment. But still thank you and I am hopeful for keep getting such great ideas and suggestions from you in near future too.

Till date I have encountered many people who keep on doing the things secretively so that you should not know so as not to acquire the position, credit or something which they are enjoying. I think that they forget that no one can take away their luck, nor credit neither their talent from them. But I guess they are full of inferiority complex which keeps them a dual personality and hence loosing on good people. Only because of this habit of their, they gradually gets distant from people who could have done some good to them. May god gives them some positive mind to think about it and get their actions diverted in right direction.  

I am happy today, not only because of this published write up rather also to know that I have really good people around me who are always thinking for my betterment and very well know what can bring a smile on my face. All the glory is to Almighty for bestowing me with such good people.

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