Monday 20 October 2014

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Did you ever think that it was a cruel joke of nature that most of us find ourselves attracted to people very much unlike us? I mean, wouldn’t it be an awful lot simpler and a lot less messy if we tended to be drawn to those whose personalities are more like our own rather than those who seem like they are polar opposites of us.

Do opposites really attract? Is it good if they do?

It depends what you mean by "opposite." "I believe unresolved patterns attract," says Paul Cutright, author of You're Never Upset for the Reason You Think. "What most people call falling in love is really falling in pattern," he says.

While sipping a cup of coffee, it just strikes in my head that I like coffee, but my man prefers not to have anything if offered coffee. He is a pure non-vegetarian, and I am not even an eggitarian. I like cake, pastries and stuff full with cream whereas he likes to have every bakery item without cream. I cannot have pizza without cold drink but he doesn’t want to waste space for pizza with a stock of cold drink in his stomach. I hate roasted veggies at any point in time but he loves to have it at any time and in any or even every meal. I love to write a long mail whereas all his relies are just in one word or at the most in one line. I love to talk over the phone for hours and hours and he thinks it’s a waste of time to talk over that stupid rectangular device. I love chocolates and he hates to the extent that everything in that flavour also is a “dump in dustbin” thing for him. I hate to brush my teeth and he is extra possessive for his (which are very well maintained already). I don’t care much about my car till the time it is efficient enough to take me to places but he keeps his car like a newly wedded bride (always shining and beautiful). We are poles apart and have almost nothing in common except that we both love each other and can not imagine a day without each other.


It’s “difference” that makes relationships edgy, dynamic and exciting. And there is a fine balance between having enough danger in a relationship to make it stimulating and to keep it from dying from a lack of excitement.

So conclusively I found that the Relationships are about getting our own needs met, often on an unconscious basis. In other words, we try to find someone who is complementary to us and can help us learn, heal, and grow.


I love my Man, the way he is..... Very different and always have something to amaze me with.... I love the differences we share. I love the way we are i.e. OPPOSITE TO EACH OTHER and probably that is the main ingredient that makes our relationship tasty, yummy and healthy.  I am so incomplete without this different man being a part of me. He completes me and gives me a reason to smile and live.



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