Wednesday 6 September 2023

Trust God’s Timing


God knows the future and the past and everything he plans comes to pass

God knows everything, but we don’t. We see the world from a limited perspective, but he sees everything. He knows the future and the past and everything he plans comes to pass. He knows when you’re supposed to land your dream job and he knows when you’re meant to marry the perfect guy. You can trust him because even if it takes many years, it will come to pass. If God planned it, it’s bound to happen. 

His word has never failed and it never will 

God’s word has never failed, and it never will. You can trust his timing because if he gave you a promise, he intends to follow through no matter how long it takes. He didn’t make a mistake when he made you a promise. It was deliberate and intentional. He knows what he’s doing when he allows you to wait. Even if it seems like your timing is better, we know that God’s ways are best. Again, if God spoke it, it will happen no matter how long it takes. 

God has good intentions for you 

God has good intentions for you and cares for you deeply. God says even the hairs on your head are numbered. You are valuable to him. God isn’t making you wait to hurt you. He has no intentions of hurting you. If he’s making you wait, it’s for your good. You may not be able to see the bigger picture, but you can trust God’s timing because he loves you and only wants what is good for you. 

He has proven himself trustworthy before 

God has always kept his promises. Look back on your life and think of a promise God made to you in the past. Hasn’t he kept it? While you may not understand God’s timing, you can believe in his faithfulness. When the waiting season feels long and hard, remember how he’s always been there for you. Don’t believe the lie that God isn’t for you. He is. He’s been faithful to you before and he will be faithful to you again. 

He’s always on time

Finally, God is always on time. He’s not on our time but he’s on time. The Holy Book/s says that a day in God’s eyes is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. So, when you’ve been waiting for two years and it feels like forever, remember that two years is like seconds to God. He sees a much bigger picture than we see. Trust his timing because he’s never late. What is meant to happen will happen in the right time if you walk according to God’s lead. 

I know that the waiting isn’t easy but God will carry you through it if you let him. I hope this list has helped to remind you of some of the reasons to trust God’s timing. There are so many more but these are just a few. Ultimately, we trust his timing because we trust him. If we believe that he is who he says he is, it’s only natural to believe him when he tells us to wait a little bit longer. Keep the faith, keep holding on, and keep trusting God in this season.

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