Tuesday 25 May 2021

Know when to jump out


Imagine, you want to boil a frog.

You can’t put the frog into the hot water directly because as soon as the frog feels the heat, it will jump out.

Then how would one go about it?

Put a frog into a vessel filled with water and start heating the water.

As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjusts its body temperature accordingly.

The warmth feels good. As the water gets hotter it acts like a steam bath draining away energy and deepening the frog’s relaxation. The frog becomes sleepy and has less and less energy while the water is getting hotter and hotter. By the time the frog realizes its danger, at this point the frog decides to jump out. The water is beginning to boil, and it is too late to take action. There is neither time nor energy left to do anything. Very soon the frog perishes in the boiling water.


Think about it…

I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out…

Haven’t all of us, at some point in our life, remained in situations that weren’t good for us, that were slowly damaging our body, crippling our mind and stifling our spirit?

Are we paying close attention to what is going on around us or are we allowing ourselves to become complacent, not noticing when the ‘water’ is getting hot?

We all need to adjust with people & situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions. If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually or mentally they will continue to do so.

Keep testing the water, so you can leap before you boil.


Saturday 8 May 2021

5 ways to negotiate with TOXIC PEOPLE


For toxic people, nothing is out of bounds. They will try and bring in unrelated jibes about you, your appearance, your family or whatever is personal to you to take away from what maters most. Stick to the topic in hand.

You might be tempted to call out. You might be tempted to actually expose the reality of who they are but remember that it’s probably going to be futile.
Ensure that your communication is tailored ONLY to what you want out of them.

Expecting empathy from a toxic person is like waiting for apples under an orange tree. You are here to negotiate for what you want – nor their love / empathy / understanding because more often than not they are incapable of providing that.

4.   Toxic people always say things like “I would have never reacted like this if you hadn’t.”
Their basic instinct is to take ZERO (0) responsibility for their actions and shift all the blame on you. Whenever they try to deflect by throwing the responsibility back on you, steer the conversation back to WHAT YOU WANT.

The only way they feel power is by taking it away from you.
It is possible to walk away from these negotiations without giving away your power. Always ensure that you never agree to their demands that involve giving up power on your part and circle back the discussion to what you want in the first place.