Thursday 21 January 2021

Figure it out


Many a times, when I decided to take up a job in another state, away from the place where my husband and in-laws were; I was questioned about my decision!

After joining in the job, when things were going kind of smoothly, I was questioned on the other related and many unrelated issues of my life!

When I decided to again pack and move with my two daughters, to join the work in another state, I was questioned about the feasibility of the decision and of course the opportunity cost attached to it!

I was questioned many a times, that where I see myself 5 years down the line…

To all of this and many more; I mumbled some nonsense and said I don’t know. And they laughed.

Today, I am working at the same place, with little more achievements added in my professional as well as in my personal life… but today also I don’t know, where do I see myself 5 years down the line.

But today, I am rich in my learnings. I have learnt that when we start our journey, we don’t know the kind of problems we would face, all we know is that if it won’t work out or if we don’t like it, we would always come back and figure things out. The thing nobody tells you about making the big decisions; especially the crazy ones; is that it’s not possible to know how it will turn out.

That’s why big decisions like buying a new house or moving to US are applauded but big decisions like pursuing your dreams or starting a START UP are considered crazy / stupid / risky. They are called big life changing decisions for a reason, because they can actually change your life for better.

What they don’t tell you about big decisions is that if it doesn’t work, you can ALWAYS FIGURE IT OUT. That figuring stuff out and problem solving is something we were never taught in school or by the society.

So many of us just stay in our comfort zone and never question. And make decisions out of fear. That’s why people head straight to an Indian restaurant in a new country because they can’t wrap their head around a new culture or worse just put up making choices that are ‘right’ in society without thinking what it actually means to them.

These incredible past years have taught me, to not to be afraid to Figure It Out. make the decisions that make you happy, both mentally and financially of course. But most of all, don’t be afraid of the line ‘LOG KYA KAHENGEY’. They haven’t figured it out.