Friday 19 February 2016

Daily Habits for SUCCESS

It’s been since few days, I have been trying to figure out that if there exist any mantra for success? I tried, tried and tried and found out that there is no direct formula to a successful life but yes, few things in your life, if you adopt, no one can stop you from being successful.

I have tried to make a list of all those things which I am practicing since some time and these are the things helping me to fight the frustration and to cope up with the failures.

Although thank God, every day is not the same and every bad time passes away as the good one. But still everyone finds a solution around them to live through the bad time and failures. So here are few tips, not from someone wiser nor very intelligent, but at least from a lady who learns from every step and every small little thing in life. And here is the list:
  • ü  Try one new thing each day
  • ü  Don’t do bad days
  • ü  Stay informed about what’s trending
  • ü  Accept invitations to as many meetings and events as possible
  • ü  Experiment constantly
  • ü  Fight brain blocks with building blocks
  • ü  Never be afraid to email someone who is “too big”
  • ü  Make punctuality a priority
  • ü  Never ask somebody to do something you wouldn’t do yourself
  • ü  Watch YouTube to learn from other great leaders
  • ü  Exercise and meditate
  • ü  Listen to self-improvement books/talks in the car
  • ü  Start each day with an infectious positive attitude
  • ü  Make time for everyone on your team, no matter where they are
  • ü  Make the most of drive time
  • ü  Make every meeting the second meeting
  • ü  Find your inner YOGI
  • ü  Surround yourself with people whose skills complement your own
  • ü  Walk before bed
  • ü  Make time in your life for fiction
  • ü  Focus on nutrition and appreciation
  • ü  Leave your work out of the bedroom
  • ü  Use pictorial language to help the people “see the future”
  • ü  Exercise everyday
  • ü  Don’t panic, don’t run
  • ü  Use 70/30 approach to professional life
  • ü  Make lists
  • ü  Encourage questions
  • ü  Talk to at least one new person everyday
  • ü  Start your day with a clean inbox.

Finally thank God, writing is something I don’t get my earning from. Else for many or rather most of the days I would have been starving for my bread and butter. Just because, I am not a regular writer nor I write for a particular segment’s readers. It’s a hobby for me and I am enjoying typing every word which is coming out of my mind and taking a shape of word on this document.

Thank God for granting me this freedom to express myself and the capacity to express these feelings in this form.