Monday 22 February 2016

FACEBOOK? Lets play the "YES" "NO" game

Life without Facebook
All the original reasons why I always believed that one should delete his/her FB account can be summed up to the following reasons:
1. Facebook became a time-suck rather than a value-adding tool.
2.    As far as connecting with real life friends are concerned, I’m able to do that perfectly fine via other tools, such as via text messages, phone or email. Facebook served little purpose in this regard. If anything, it added a lot of “noise” in my relationships to others. There were too many alerts and notifications, and half of which didn’t mean much in relationship building.
3.    Facebook was doing a lot of funky things, like adding a whole list of features which I have zero use for (Games, Events, Groups, etc.). None of them had relevance to me.
4.   I had no use for the FB inbox and felt frustrated at the inability to turn it off. I felt like I had an extra inbox to check, and extra messages to process every day, all of which could be avoided if they just gave you the option to turn it off. FB wanted people to have a reason to repeatedly visit it every day.
5.    Due to #3 and #4, my FB account became a pain to maintain.

Possible Improvements to my life deciding on not having a Facebook Account
All of the things that I reported in “Life without Facebook” are still valid.
I realized that FB gave a lot of us an illusion of connectivity, because we’d be seeing each other’s wall updates and status feeds. But when the dust settles and everything clears, you get a clear sense on how close you are with friends, which relationships have been lacking, which friends you’ve been drifting away from, which relationships require more work, and so on.

But still Why Facebook is Important
One thing that will be missed after not having a FB page is the 1-1 connection with all of your friends on the Facebook account. The regular wall conversations with you guys, how I can immediately pose a question asking for help on my feed and get your insightful replies within half a day, etc. These were and are the great parts about having a FB account; it was just that the spam issues were so serious that it outweighed the benefits.
But I love connecting with people. Most importantly. Where that’s missing, there’s little incentive for me to write any further. When I lost that personal connection with all my friends with no FB account, I always felt like I was writing to no one, like a blank void in the universe. While I knew that thousands of people would be reading my next entry, I had no idea who was going to be reading, for what, how they were like in real life, etc. The whole blog began to feel empty. Meaningless, in fact, like I was writing for the sake for writing.
All of you are people whom I’ll love to know better, put a face to, and connect as individuals vs. a blob of statistics on my Google Analytics / Stat counter accounts. The former is what motivates and inspires me on my path; the latter means nothing to me at all, other than for measurement and performance tracking purposes. I don’t blog to get higher numbers on my blog counters, though it may occur as a result of blogging. I blog to connect with all of you.
I want to be accessible to all of you reading at the blog. I want to know who you are and why you’re here. I want to know how you’re doing, whether you’re well, what you’re thinking, and how you’re feeling. I want to use scalable methods to remove as many walls between us as possible.
This is why I’ve been thinking of a solution to address this. And I think I may have found the solution by way of a Facebook page. 

Friday 19 February 2016

Daily Habits for SUCCESS

It’s been since few days, I have been trying to figure out that if there exist any mantra for success? I tried, tried and tried and found out that there is no direct formula to a successful life but yes, few things in your life, if you adopt, no one can stop you from being successful.

I have tried to make a list of all those things which I am practicing since some time and these are the things helping me to fight the frustration and to cope up with the failures.

Although thank God, every day is not the same and every bad time passes away as the good one. But still everyone finds a solution around them to live through the bad time and failures. So here are few tips, not from someone wiser nor very intelligent, but at least from a lady who learns from every step and every small little thing in life. And here is the list:
  • ü  Try one new thing each day
  • ü  Don’t do bad days
  • ü  Stay informed about what’s trending
  • ü  Accept invitations to as many meetings and events as possible
  • ü  Experiment constantly
  • ü  Fight brain blocks with building blocks
  • ü  Never be afraid to email someone who is “too big”
  • ü  Make punctuality a priority
  • ü  Never ask somebody to do something you wouldn’t do yourself
  • ü  Watch YouTube to learn from other great leaders
  • ü  Exercise and meditate
  • ü  Listen to self-improvement books/talks in the car
  • ü  Start each day with an infectious positive attitude
  • ü  Make time for everyone on your team, no matter where they are
  • ü  Make the most of drive time
  • ü  Make every meeting the second meeting
  • ü  Find your inner YOGI
  • ü  Surround yourself with people whose skills complement your own
  • ü  Walk before bed
  • ü  Make time in your life for fiction
  • ü  Focus on nutrition and appreciation
  • ü  Leave your work out of the bedroom
  • ü  Use pictorial language to help the people “see the future”
  • ü  Exercise everyday
  • ü  Don’t panic, don’t run
  • ü  Use 70/30 approach to professional life
  • ü  Make lists
  • ü  Encourage questions
  • ü  Talk to at least one new person everyday
  • ü  Start your day with a clean inbox.

Finally thank God, writing is something I don’t get my earning from. Else for many or rather most of the days I would have been starving for my bread and butter. Just because, I am not a regular writer nor I write for a particular segment’s readers. It’s a hobby for me and I am enjoying typing every word which is coming out of my mind and taking a shape of word on this document.

Thank God for granting me this freedom to express myself and the capacity to express these feelings in this form.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Where Religion Divides, Cricket Unites

Let me begin with a disclaimer that my knowledge of religion is limited. My knowledge of cricket is even more limited as till sometime back I thought that Virat Kohli is just a name linked to Anushka Sharma, fine leg always reminded me of Deepika Padukone, Bipasha Basu and Sushmita Sen and Mandira Bedi was only popular for her role in Shanti and DDLJ for me.
But off lately I have realized that Cricket is something more than just a game in India. The World’s noisiest democracy is a celebration of differences, which are accentuated by every shade of salvation, ranging from sub-rural socialism to the neo-soviet variety. And it has survived the worst instincts of its political class. When arguments divide nations, India is united by their variety. We, as a nation, are not in a permanent pursuit of definition: who are we? Because we know that we are Indians. And this definition gets stronger because of another important influensive instrument called CRICKET. Cricket in India is a great leveler. Rich or poor, no matter! What only matters and talk in the cricket field is talent. Cricket is an instrument which binds people, cultures, societies, religions and everything else possible in our country. 
Indian Cricket team was able to inspire the entire nation across religious and caste divides. It has been fascinating to witness the ease with which the teams have mingled across religious ethics and cultural divides. It has become cliché to talk of the power of sport to unite humanity. These are powerful sentiments in a fragile sensitive environment and only cricket seems able to provide the means through which they are expressed. Right now, cricket match seems irreplaceable.

We, Indians just need an excuse to celebrate and cricket has given many such excuses. OK, on the day of the cricket world cup final in 2011, let me admit, my interest in cricket was much more than my religion. Rather, I think, it is true for all of us. Hindu? Muslim? Sikh? Christian? When it comes to cricket we all are Indians! Tall, short, fat, thin, slow, fast, with or even without stadium….anyone can be good at cricket. In India, we eat cricket, sleep cricket and live cricket.
One thing I believe in is, CRICKET IS NOT A RELIGION relatively it unites all religions. Have you ever seen or heard of any riots happening over cricket? Do we have any book on cricket which is banned? Did you got any compulsion from anyone, be it your mom or anyone else, ever that you can watch cricket only after taking bath? Do you think anyone would have become God, had he followed religion instead of cricket?

In short, Cricket have always and will always provide one final opportunity to celebrate unity – Atleast In India.