Sunday 6 June 2021

Texts: Send these to friends to cope up with stress

It's so easy to send memes, make jokes, and talk about absolutely nothing via text. But when it comes to to texting  friend to check in on them, finding the right words can ne tough. if a friend is struggling with mental health, you might worry about saying the wrong thing, hurting their feelings, or worse. and yet it is advised to reach out anyway, especially if you haven't heard from them in a while. 

That doesn't necessarily mean straight up asking about their anxiety or depression. If you know they're going through a tough time, all you really need to do is make contact. Sometimes sending an "I'm thinking of you" text is a great place to start as it'll brighten their day and help them feel less alone.

Just don't expect a lively conversation or a response right away. "Your friend may not be ready to talk," and that's OK. If they know you are there consistently — in an open-minded and non-judgmental way — it really can mean the world.

Here, a few more ways to check in on a friend so that they know you always have their back.

"I know you said you're not ready to talk. But I'm here when you are"

This is the perfect text to send when a friend is being a bit distant or taking time to focus on themselves. They'll find comfort in the fact they can dip out of their social life for a while, and still have you when they come back.

But this is one to send to a friend who's pushing people away, as well, perhaps due to a mental health condition. Don't cross their boundaries but go ahead and wedge yourself into their life just a little bit, so they know they're not alone.

"Hey, I'm stopping by the grocery store, let me know if you need anything"

"Often those with mental health conditions struggle with maintaining their daily functioning," so if you know your friend isn't doing the best, go ahead and offer a hand.

This text is also a slick way to gauge how they've been feeling. If they confirm they need help buying groceries, that's when you follow up and get more info, to make sure they're OK.

"Wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you!"

If you've ever struggled with your mental health, then you know how isolating it can be. "This text is an affirming one that reminds the friend that they are not alone,". It's so simple, yet so effective.

"Hi, I saw this and immediately thought of you :) How've you been?"

If you happen to see or hear something that reminds you of the friend in question — like their favourite song or movie — text them immediately and let them know. Then ask how they are.

This text will bring back a positive memory for your friend, which might perk them up a little. It also creates space for a longer convo, if they're up for it.

"Get ready, we're going for a walk."

"Your friend may not be motivated to get dressed and go out when feeling stressed or overwhelmed," but a little push like this one can make all the difference.

The process of getting dressed and following through with plans, however small, can change someone's mindset and set them up for similar positive behaviours in the future.

""No need to respond, but just wanted to say hey!"

It's not uncommon for folks struggling with their mental health to not have the energy or clarity of mind to respond to texts.

They also often feel guilty or stressed when messages pile up, which is why it's super cool to start a text by reminding them that's OK. Simply say hi and let them know they can write back whenever.

"I saw you posted on Instagram and wanted to make sure you're OK."

If you notice something out of the ordinary — like a post on social media that has negative undertones — take that as your cue to reach out.

Even though it might feel awkward, because talking about feelings can be awkward sometimes, your friend will appreciate it. Texting a friend who you know is struggling will make them feel thought of, cared about, and loved. Fight past the awkwardness and send that text!

"Hey, just wanted to hear more about what's been going on."

If you ask a friend if they're OK or if they feel sad, they can easily write back with a one-word response — and that'll be the end of the conversation.

But if you get into the habit of asking things like "What's been going on?" or "How have you been feeling?", it can help your friend open up a little more.

They might benefit from discussing their feelings, and you'll benefit from getting more info, so you can figure out more ways to support them.