Monday 31 July 2017

Effortless things that can make you look more attractive

Anybody can uplift their sex appeal by dressing in a way that flatters their body, smelling, donning those heels, and wearing make-up that accentuates their best features. This is standard protocol when we think about what makes us look sexy. But, there are a few non-sexual things that you do, that up your sex appeal without you even realizing it. Such as...

1. Exercising
Yes, it's not because it makes you fit, but because it makes you a happy person. People who are physically active, and connected with their body stand apart. It's in the way they hold themselves, and the way they relate to others. They are happy people. They take care of themselves, and that makes them sexy.
I got so much attention when I carried my yoga mat, the other day I were travelling. It’s not that people wanted to know what I practice or how beautiful the mat is neither they were interested in my trimmed body (which I anyways don’t have). It’s only the radiating soul of mine which was attracting people. As I just mentioned, when you exercise, you connect to your body and from there the happiness comes alive. So keep exercising and keep feeling happy.

2. Reading

Come on! Are you really going to argue this one? It is sexy to be smart. But, more importantly, readers also make for good conversationalists because, if nothing else, they will always have a book or a character that's on their mind that they'd want to talk about. Good conversation is orgasm for the brain.
I usually keep myself busy reading or writing. Actually the later comes when you regularly practice the first one. And it is so damn correct that you have so much to talk and present and convey when you take a dip into good read and makes your brain ready for everything good further.

3. Laughing
We are attracted to happy people. If you're the one who sits in the corner, sulking at a party, chances are you'll be doing that all night. Good vibes attract good vibes.
As the saying also go, laughing is the best medicine. And I resort to a good laugh when I feel little low. It just doesn’t attract the people around you but also uplift our mood. And always remember, that no one in the world is free from problems rather everyone have more than they can handle. So no one is interested in listening to yours rather they want to be with you because you make them forget their problems. Therefore all you should be doing is to keep smiling and making others feel better because that’s the only way to act like a magnet to attract good vibes.

4. Smelling nice
It's not just about wearing good perfume. Subtle fragrances like the whiff of your shampoo, or your body lotion titillate the senses, and go a long way.
Smell is something even a blind can feel. And that uniqueness in you cannot be replaced by anything in the world which is bought by the nice smell. My husband usually recognize me even from far off, by just smelling my unique self. And I am so proud of that. So keep the uniqueness alive in you and stay a point of attraction.

5. Not caring about what others think
There are two kinds of people in this world - ones who are out to have fun because they want to show the world just how carefree and cool they are, and ones who are out to have fun for the sake of having fun. They dance differently, hold their drink differently, and are entirely focused on themselves. It is the latter that attract attention, precisely because they are not actively searching for it.

Be you and that’s the only mantra one can adapt to be a successful because that’s the only way you can be true to yourself and of course to the others also. Stop caring about the world because the world is wise and efficient enough to do that for itself. Just care about the priorities of your life and about the people of your life who are the part of those priorities.