Friday 3 June 2016

Science behind DROPPING

Drop the negative people around you.
Start by restricting your contact to the negative people in your life. Though you may not want to cut them out of your life altogether, you should make a conscious effort to spend less time with them and reduce your contact with them. 
Drop saying YES all the time.
Everyone knows the adage: good fences make good neighbors. Basically, it means to set firm boundaries. By setting boundaries, we find the freedom to behave in our best interest, with fewer distractions and fewer unwanted intrusions. Building good fences—setting boundaries—is one of the most important skills to master for both personal and professional growth. And one of the most important aspects of a good fence is the ability to say “NO” to the people, activities and engagements that we do not enjoy or that do not advance us personally or professionally. By saying “YES” to too many things, we may be saying no to some very important things. If our plate is too full, there’s no room for the unexpected or ideal opportunity. If our fences aren’t strong, everything gets in. Here are some tips to help you to say no: 

Implement a 24-hour pause period.
Say no with grace and authority that is honest, simple & straight forward.
Simplify your commitments.
Create white space on your calendar.
Set your boundaries, and stick to them.
Drop the past.
Negative events of the past can make it hard to live in the present. Troubling memories can make it hard to sleep or get through the day. There will come a point at which you must let go of the past or it will define your future. And yet, we always carry our pasts with us in the ways we think, talk, and perceive the world. Hence one should follow the following:
Accept the past
Acknowledge the challenges of the past.
Accept that you cannot change what happened, only how you view it.
Drop worrying about the future.
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
Leo Buscaglia
We can’t predict, we can’t control and we’re only here for a short time.  So forget the future.  Get in the present and enjoy every single moment.
You can’t predict it.
You can’t control it.  
You’re missing the best time of your life.
Drop caring about the mistakes you have made.
“When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.”
We can very much use our past in the most rich and helpful way. We can use past mistakes to yield a shiny new perspective and, in turn, create a new outcome.
Accept the idea of a failure en route to your goals. In essence, plan for some roadblocks, not when they come (you knew they were coming), and move on as quickly as possible. Connect with the fact that with up comes down, with light comes darkness. With down comes up, with darkness comes light.
When you find yourself smack in the middle of a day filled with disequilibrium, remember that your equilibrium must be right around the corner. Trust in the flow of your life and that of the universe.
Drop trying to please everyone.
Some problems in life, such as not knowing what others think of you, are not really meant to be resolved.  How people perceive you may have more to do with them than you anyway. Forget what everyone else thinks of you; chances are, they aren’t thinking about you anyway. Accept that someone else’s opinion is NOT your problem.
Bottom line:  The opinions other people have about you is their problem, not yours. The less you worry about what they think of you, the less complicated your life becomes. 
Drop your limiting beliefs.
Beliefs are mental notions and assumptions we have, about ourselves and the world around us that we hold onto as absolute truths. It’s not too late to set aside your limiting beliefs and live in the beautiful present where everything is new and can be made exactly as you want them.